10 tips for more energy in your life

Everyone seems to be complaining about not having enough hours in the day. How is it that some people seem to be doing it all, while others always feel like they are behind? I think that, in most cases, energy is the limited resource and not really time. But what if there was a way to have more energy and therefore be able to use this limited time better? I looooove planning out my days and optimizing what I do, but although time management is an important tool to get more done, there are better ways to improve the quality of your tasks and feel more energetic throughout your day. Here are my top 10 tips that work best for me:

  1. Do less of what doesn’t align with your purpose. We all have a limited amount of time and energy, and sometimes the best way to have more energy for those things that actually have meaning to us, is to cut back on the things that don’t. Whether it is something big like working fewer hours in a job that doesn’t fulfill you to make time to explore what actually does, or small steps like cutting back on your screen time or watching less Netflix, ask yourself if the way you are spending your time is getting you in the right direction.

  2. Do more of what you love. This one is quite obvious, to be honest, but if you’re trying to be energetic doing stuff you hate doing - what’s the point about that? Don’t go to the gym if you hate it; there are a thousand other ways to move your body that would keep you fit as well. Don’t spend your whole life working a job that you hate, it’s never too late to start again. Spend as much of your time as you can doing things that you enjoy and that will make your life happier in the long run. It doesn’t have to be productive at all times, as long as it really adds value to your life.

  3. Try out new things. Even though routines are great for establishing habits, I always feel more inspired and energetic if I try something new, like a dance class, meet new people or even just switch up my running route. Don’t be scared to be bad at a new hobby - everyone is. Take a minute to ask yourself if there is anything you have always wanted to try and go make an appointment right now :)

  4. Find people who fill your cup. Spending time with the right people will completely change your life. Don’t stay in relationships or friendships that drain your energy. The people around you impact you more than you think. You have the right to choose who you spend your time with and what people are actually adding value to your life. It is better to be alone than to have your energy sucked out of you by the wrong people. Your circle should uplift you and support you, and you shouldn’t feel pressured to be something you are not.

  5. Set motivating goals. Knowing exactly what you are working towards will give your actions direction and motivate you to start in the first place. Although discipline is what is going to make sure you stick to your plan, having a goal in mind that you really aspire to achieve will make the process much more enjoyable.

  6. Sleep enough. Sleep is essential for your physical and mental well-being. In his book “Why we Sleep”, Matthew Walker explains how sleep regulates our emotions and has a huge impact on mood and stress resilience. It is also crucial for our physical wellbeing and recovery, since the body restores itself while we sleep, promoting overall health and longevity. It also strengthens our immune system and is fundamental to feeling rested and energetic throughout the day.

  7. Nourish your body. Your body literally becomes what you eat. In 7 years, all of your cells will have been replaced by new ones, created out of the material that you deliver day in and day out with your food intake. Make sure you are eating a balanced diet and that you are also getting enough micronutrients. Check out my other blog posts where I go more into detail about what a balanced diet could look like.

  8. Move. Mitochondria are an integral part of our cells and are also known as the powerhouse of the cell. In the mitochondria, energy is released in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), an energy-rich phosphate that provides the human body with energy at the cellular level. Aerobic endurance training increases the number of mitochondria in a cell as well as the surface area of the mitochondria and the storage capacity of ATP, providing the body with even more energy. So basically, doing some form of endurance training will make you have more energy in your everyday life!

  9. Spend time in nature. Going outside and getting some fresh air is still the best way to get a quick pick-me-up. First, you're getting way more oxygen compared to indoor air, which will provide your cells with energy. You will also be exposed to natural sunlight, and going outside often means you will be doing some form of light activity, like walking. There are many studies that have shown that being in nature reduces stress, contributes to better energy and improves our mental health.

  10. Stop and do nothing. If your body is telling you that it needs a break, give yourself the time to rest. Doing nothing (and by nothing I don’t mean being in front of a screen) but literally just sitting still is a powerful tool to recharge some energy. Sometimes it is important to zoom back out of life and spend some time alone to recharge and recenter.


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